Monday, April 18, 2011

"Women On Death Row"

Women do not typically get the death penalty for the crimes the commit. It was actually a very rare thing backthen. Blanche Moore was 56 at the time of the murder. On October 7th, 1986, Moore poisoned her former boyfriend, Raymond Reid, her father, P.D. Kiser, her first husband, James N. Taylor and made an attempt on her second husband Rev. Dwight Moore. The police became suspicious after a doctor gave a toxic test to Rev. Moore, and discovered he had been ill because he was given mass amount of arsenic poison and somehow survived.

The police got Moore's father, first husband, and boyfriends bodies exumed to find the cause of death of the three and had found they to had been given ridiculous amounts of arsenic poisoning. Blanche Moore was convicted for the murder of her boyfriend Raymond Reid and was to be put to death. Her excuse for killing the men in her life had been because her father was an alchoholic and forced her into prostitution to pay family bills.

I feel  Blanche Moore was put to justice, though it was not really proved that she had killed her father and first husband, she did indeed kill Reid and that did not help in proving her innocent of the other two murders and one attempt.

Montaldo, C. (n.d.). women on death row - blanche moore. Retrieved from

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